VRising Wiki

Blood Crystal is a resource in V Rising. It is used to craft the endgame weapon material Item OnyxTearOnyx Tear.

Obtained From[]

Blood Crystal is collected by mining Blood Crystal Nodes only found at Dracula's Demise.

Blood Crystals require a Gear Level 23 (Dark Silver) weapon tier or higher to mine.

Drops From


Resulting Item Recipe Structure
Item OnyxTearOnyx Tear Item GoldIngot4 (3) Gold Ingot
Item PowerCore4 (3) Power Core
Item BloodCrystal120 (90) Blood Crystal
Structure AnvilAnvil


Structure Recipe
Structure NightfallWallPlaqueNightfall Wall Plaque Item GoldIngotGold Ingot
Item BloodCrystal20 Blood Crystal
Crafting Resources
Item WoodWood  •  Item HallowWoodHallow Wood  •  Item GloomWoodGloom Wood  •  Item CursedWoodCursed Wood
Item SawdustSawdust  •  Item PlankPlank  •  Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank  •  Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Item StoneStone  •  Item StoneBrickStone Brick  •  Item StoneDustStone Dust  •  Item ClayClay  •  Item StoneBodyStone Body
Item CopperOreCopper Ore  •  Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot  •  Item WhetstoneWhetstone
Item IronOreIron Ore  •  Item IronIngotIron Ingot  •  Item QuartzQuartz  •  Item GlassGlass
Item SulphurOreSulphur Ore  •  Item SulphurSulphur  •  Item GoldJewelryGold Jewelry  •  Item GoldIngotGold Ingot
Item SilverOreSilver Ore  •  Item DarkSilverIngotDark Silver Ingot  •  Item GhostCrystalGhost Crystal  •  Item SpectralDustSpectral Dust
Item Sludge-filledCanisterSludge-filled Canister  •  Item RadiumAlloyRadium Alloy  •  Item BloodCrystalBlood Crystal  •  Item GemDustGem Dust
Item RuggedHideRugged Hide  •  Item ThickHideThick Hide  •  Item PristineHidePristine Hide  •  Item BatHideBat Hide
Item LeatherLeather  •  Item ThickLeatherThick Leather  •  Item PristineLeatherPristine Leather  •  Item BatLeatherBat Leather
Item PlantFibrePlant Fibre  •  Item PollenPollen  •  Item CoarseThreadCoarse Thread  •  Item WoolThreadWool Thread
Item CottonCotton  •  Item CottonYarnCotton Yarn  •  Item GhostShroomGhost Shroom  •  Item GhostYarnGhost Yarn
Item ClothCloth  •  Item SilkwormSilkworm  •  Item SilkSilk  •  Item ShadowWeaveShadow Weave