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Castles are the ultimate homes of vampires.

Name Description How to Unlock Resource Cost
Structure CastleHeartCastle Heart The heart of your domain. As long as it contains blood essence it will power your castle and keep it from decaying. You can expand your territory with borders and floors originating from the heart. If the heart is destroyed your entire castle crumbles. Lord of Shadows Item BloodEssence30 Blood Essence
Item Stone240 Stone
Structure CastleRelocationHeartCastle Relocation Heart Construct this castle within an unoccupied territory to relocate all structures and items from an existing castle to a new location. Lord of Shadows Item BloodEssence100 Blood Essence
Flooring RoughFloorRough Floor Lord of Shadows Item Stone20 Stone
Flooring MossyCobblestonesMossy Cobblestones Polora the Feywalker Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Flooring GardenCobblestonesGarden Cobblestones
Flooring LargeCobblestoneBlocksLarge Cobblestone Blocks
Flooring SmallCobblestoneBlocksSmall Cobblestone Blocks
Flooring SmallPavementTilesSmall Pavement Tiles
Flooring TerracottaTilesTerracotta Tiles
Flooring GothicTilesGothic Tiles
Flooring CastleFlooringCastle Diamond Pattern / Square Pattern / Royal Pattern* / Ebonite Floor Lord of Shadows
Flooring GardenFlooringGrass Grass Polora the Feywalker Item PlantFibre60 Plant Fibre
Flooring WorkshopFlooringWorkshop Five-Finger Workboards / Long Boards Grayson the Armourer Item PlankPlank
Flooring ForgeFlooringForge Sigil Pattern / Redoubt Pattern Structure ResearchDeskResearch Desk Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Flooring AlchemyLabFlooringAlchemy Lab Exemplar Pattern / Viridis Pattern Structure ResearchDeskResearch Desk Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item SulphurSulphur
Flooring TailorsFlooringTailor Myrtle Floor Carpet / Burgundy Floor Carpet Structure StudyStudy Item PlankPlank
Item ClothCloth
Flooring JewellersChamberFlooringJeweller's Chamber Regulus Pattern / Geometrica Pattern An Eye into Mortium Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item GemDustGem Dust
Flooring PrisonFlooringPrison Bastille Pattern / Stockade Pattern Blood on Tap Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Flooring LibraryFlooringLibrary Chevron Parquet / Discernment Parquet Structure StudyStudy Item PlankPlank
Flooring CryptFlooringCrypt Crypt Floor (Square) / Crypt Floor (Diamond) Throne of Command Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item GraveDustGrave Dust
Flooring InvisibleFoundationInvisible Foundation Lord of Shadows Item StoneStone
*Royal Pattern requires Dracula's Relics Pack DLC.

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure PalisadeWallPalisade Build wooden walls to keep enemies out. Item Wood80 Wood
Item PlantFibre30 Plant Fibre
Structure PalisadeEntrancePalisade Entrance A wooden wall with an entrance. Doors can be placed in the entrance. Item Wood80 Wood
Item PlantFibre30 Plant Fibre
Structure PalisadeGatePalisade Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out. Requires an archway to be placed. Item Wood80 Wood
Structure PalisadePillarPalisade Pillar Pillars are required for connecting walls but can also be placed individually. Light sources such as torches can be attached to pillars. Item Wood10 Wood
Structure CastleWallCastle Wall A solid wall. Item StoneBrick10 Stone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure CastleWindowWallCastle Window Wall A wall with an opening where a window can be installed. Item StoneBrick10 Stone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure CastleEntranceCastle Entrance A wall with an archway entrance. Castle doors can be placed in the entrance. Item StoneBrick10 Stone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure CastlePillarCastle Pillar Pillars are required for connecting walls but can also be placed individually. Light sources such as torches can be attached to pillars. Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Structure CastleGateCastle Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure CastleGateServantLockCastle Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Servants will not open this door.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure BattlementGateBattlement Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure BattlementGateServantLockBattlement Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Servants will not open this door.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure CordialGateCordial Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure CordialGateServantLockCordial Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Servants will not open this door.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure VerdantGateVerdant Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure VerdantGateServantLockVerdant Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Servants will not open this door.
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure RoyalGateRoyal Gate Requires an archway to be placed.
Requires Dracula's Relics Pack DLC.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure RoyalGateServantLockRoyal Gate Servant Lock Requires an archway to be placed.
Requires Dracula's Relics Pack DLC.
Servants will not open this door.
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Item PlankPlank
Structure PrisonGatePrison Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out. Requires an archway to be placed. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item PlankPlank
Structure PrisonGateServantLockPrison Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out. Requires an archway to be placed. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Structure PrisonEntranceBlockPrison Entrance Block Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out. Requires an archway to be placed. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item PlankPlank
Structure BarrierGateBarrier Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure BarrierGateServantLockBarrier Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure BarrierEntranceBlockBarrier Entrance Block Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Structure WideCastleEntranceWide Castle Entrance A wall with an archway entrance. Castle gates can be placed in the entrance. Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Item Plank12 Plank
Structure WideCastleGateWide Castle Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngot12 Iron Ingot
Structure WideCastleGateServantLockWide Castle Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngot12 Iron Ingot
Structure WideCastleGate2Wide Castle Gate Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngot12 Iron Ingot
Structure WideCastleGateServantLock2Wide Castle Gate Servant Lock Doors are used to keep unwanted enemies out.
Requires an archway to be placed.
Item IronIngot12 Iron Ingot

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure StoneStairsStone Stairs Using stairs you can construct a multi-level castle. To add another floor to your castle, simply place the stairs, climb them to the next level and expand your castle using foundations.

Stairs can also be built on top of terrain slopes.
Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Structure StoneStairs2Stone Stairs 2 Item StoneBrick24 Stone Brick
Structure StoneStairs3Stone Stairs 3 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure StoneStairs4Stone Stairs 4 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure EboniteStoneStairsEbonite Stone Stairs Using stairs you can construct a multi-level castle. To add another floor to your castle, simply place the stairs, climb them to the next level and expand your castle using foundations.

Stairs can also be built on top of terrain slopes.
Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Structure EboniteStoneStairs2Ebonite Stone Stairs 2 Item StoneBrick24 Stone Brick
Structure EboniteStoneStairs3Ebonite Stone Stairs 3 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure EboniteStoneStairs4Ebonite Stone Stairs 4 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure WoodCladStoneStairsWood Clad Stone Stairs Using stairs you can construct a multi-level castle. To add another floor to your castle, simply place the stairs, climb them to the next level and expand your castle using foundations.

Stairs can also be built on top of terrain slopes.
Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Structure WoodCladStoneStairs2Wood Clad Stone Stairs 2 Item StoneBrick24 Stone Brick
Structure WoodCladStoneStairs3Wood Clad Stone Stairs 3 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure WoodCladStoneStairs4Wood Clad Stone Stairs 4 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure PlagueSanctumStepsPlague Sanctum Steps Using stairs you can construct a multi-level castle. To add another floor to your castle, simply place the stairs, climb them to the next level and expand your castle using foundations.

Stairs can also be built on top of terrain slopes.
Requires Sinister Evolution Pack DLC.
Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Structure PlagueSanctumAscentPlague Sanctum Ascent Item StoneBrick24 Stone Brick
Structure PlagueSanctumStairwellPlague Sanctum Stairwell Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure PlagueSanctumStairwell2Plague Sanctum Stairwell 2 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure AncientSymphonyStairsAncient Symphony Stairs Using stairs you can construct a multi-level castle. To add another floor to your castle, simply place the stairs, climb them to the next level and expand your castle using foundations.

Stairs can also be built on top of terrain slopes.
Requires Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack DLC.
Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Structure AncientSymphonyStairs2Ancient Symphony Stairs 2 Item StoneBrick24 Stone Brick
Structure AncientSymphonyStairs3Ancient Symphony Stairs 3 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick
Structure AncientSymphonyStairs4Ancient Symphony Stairs 4 Item StoneBrick18 Stone Brick

Name Colors
Structure DefaultStoneDefault Stone
Structure PlainStonePlain Stone
Structure EleganceStoneElegance Stone
Structure EboniteStoneEbonite Stone
Structure HearthWallPanelsHearth Wall Panels
Structure HearthWallPanelswithPlasterTopHearth Wall Panels with Plaster Top
Structure WorkshopWallPanelsWorkshop Wall Panels
Structure WorkshopWallPanelswithInsetToolStorageWorkshop Wall Panels with Inset Tool Storage
Structure CordialWallPanelsCordial Wall Panels
Structure CordialWallPanelswithDecorativePatternCordial Wall Panels with Decorative Pattern
Structure CordialWallPanelsEmeraldCordial Wall Panels Emerald

Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Lime / Turquoise / Blue / Purple / Pink / White / Grey / Black

Structure ImperiousWallPanelsImperious Wall Panels
Structure ImperiousWallPanelsEmeraldwithPanelsImperious Wall Panels Emerald with Panels

Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Lime / Turquoise / Blue / Purple / Pink / White / Grey / Black

Structure ImperiousWallPanelsEmeraldImperious Wall Panels Emerald

Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Lime / Turquoise / Blue / Purple / Pink / White / Grey / Black

Structure StonePrisonWallsStone Prison Walls
Structure StonePrisonWallswithAttachedRestraintsStone Prison Walls with Attached Restraints
Structure StonePrisonWallswithAttachedBedStone Prison Walls with Attached Bed
Structure StatelyStoneWallsStately Stone Walls 6 variants
Structure InteriorRoyalWallsInterior Royal Walls Requires Dracula's Relics Pack DLC.
Structure ExteriorRoyalWallsExterior Royal Walls Requires Dracula's Relics Pack DLC.
Structure InnerSanctumWallsInner Sanctum Walls Requires Sinister Evolution Pack DLC.
Structure ExteriorSanctumWallsExterior Sanctum Walls Requires Sinister Evolution Pack DLC.
Structure AncientSymphonyWallsAncient Symphony Walls Requires Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack DLC.
Structure HauntedNightsWallDecorHaunted Nights Wall Decor Requires Haunted Nights Castle Pack DLC.

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure WoodenWindowHatchesWooden Window Hatches A pair of window hatches that can be opened, closed, and then opened again! Item PlankPlank
Structure WindowBarsWindow Bars A set of sturdy yet stylish bars that block projectiles while still providing vision. Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure GlassWindowGothicClearGlass Window Gothic Clear A clear glass window that blocks projectiles yet is still see-through. Item GlassGlass
Structure GlassWindowGothicColoredGlass Window Gothic Colored A coloured glass window that both blocks projectiles and provides some privacy. Item GlassGlass
Item GemDustGem Dust
Structure GlassWindow-RoyalRed&BlackGlass Window - Royal Red & Black A coloured glass window that both blocks projectiles and provides some privacy.
Requires Dracula's Relics Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass
Structure GlassWindow-RoyalBlack&RedGlass Window - Royal Black & Red A coloured glass window that both blocks projectiles and provides some privacy.
Requires Dracula's Relics Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass
Structure GlassWindow-PlagueSanctumGlass Window - Plague Sanctum A coloured glass window that both blocks projectiles and provides some privacy.
Requires Sinister Evolution Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass
Structure GlassWindow-VampireGlass Window - Vampire A coloured glass window that both blocks projectiles and provides some privacy.
Requires Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass
Structure GlassWindow-WraithGlass Window - Wraith A coloured glass window that both blocks projectiles and provides some privacy.
Requires Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass
Structure GlassWindow-HauntedNightsGlass Window - Haunted Nights A coloured glass window that both blocks projectiles and provides some privacy.
Requires Haunted Nights Castle Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass

Name Room Description Resource Cost
Structure WoodenCoffinWooden Coffin Outdoor Acts as a respawn location. Can only have one of those active at a time. Item Wood180 Wood
Structure StoneCoffinStone Coffin Crypt Acts as a respawn location. Can only have one of those active at a time. Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Item GraveDustGrave Dust
Item CrudeAmethystCrude Amethyst
Structure ServantCoffinServant Coffin Crypt Used to convert a human into a vampire. The Castle Heart level determines how many can be placed. Item Plank12 Plank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Item GreaterBloodEssenceGreater Blood Essence
Structure AltarofRecollectionAltar of Recollection General At the Altar of Recollection you may reset your spellbook choices. Item Stone180 Stone
Item BloodEssence10 Blood Essence
Structure MistBrazierMist Brazier General Consumes bones to generate a dense mist that blocks out the sun in a small area. Item Stone120 Stone
Structure CabalMirrorMirrors General This magic mirror allows you to customize your Vampire. Item PlankPlank
Structure BasicTargetDummyTarget Dummies General A selection of target dummies. Item PlankPlank
Item LeatherLeather
Structure MusicBoxMusic Box General Using this box you may listen to the music of your choice. Item PlankPlank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure PrisonCellPrison Cell Prison Bring a charmed human to the Prison Cell to imprison them. Great for a late night snack. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Structure CastleThroneCastle Throne General Sit down on the Throne and command your servants. Send them to hunt for treasure, knowledge, and blood. Item StoneBrick24 Stone Brick
Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item GreaterBloodEssenceGreater Blood Essence
Structure ThroneofDarknessThrone of Darkness General A seat worthy of an emperor. Item DarkSilverIngot40 Dark Silver Ingot
Item ShadowWeaveShadow Weave
Item OnyxTearOnyx Tear
Structure AltarofStygianAwakeningAltar of Stygian Awakening General Used to unlock and infuse your vampire with passive powers. Item RegularRubyRegular Ruby
Item IronIngot12 Iron Ingot
Item GreaterBloodEssenceGreater Blood Essence
Structure EyeofMortiumEye of Mortium Decoration Once constructed the Eye of Mortium allows you to track Rift Incursions within the Ruins of Mortium. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item ScourgestoneScourgestone
Item Scroll20 Scroll
Structure EyeofTwilightEye of Twilight Decoration Once constructed, the Eye allows you to see the current location of Item SoulShardSoul Shards. Item GoldIngotGold Ingot
Item PowerCorePower Core
Item Schematic20 Schematic

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure SmallChestSmall Chest A container that can hold up to 14 items. Item Wood150 Wood
Structure LargeChestLarge Chest A container that can hold up to 21 items. Item PlankPlank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure BureauBureaus (various) A container that can hold up to 35 items. Item PlankPlank
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure SecretaireSecretaires (various) A container that can hold up to 35 items. Item PlankPlank
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure CupboardCupboards (various) A container that can hold up to 35 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item SilkSilk
Structure SmallMaterialStorageSmall Material Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure LargeMaterialStorageLarge Material Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure SmallHerbStorageSmall Herb Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item PlantFibre80 Plant Fibre
Structure LargeHerbStorageLarge Herb Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item PlantFibre160 Plant Fibre
Structure SmallGemStorageSmall Gem Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item GemDustGem Dust
Structure LargeGemStorageLarge Gem Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item GemDust16 Gem Dust
Structure SmallAlchemyStorageSmall Alchemy Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item Bone120 Bone
Structure LargeAlchemyStorageLarge Alchemy Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item GraveDustGrave Dust
Structure SmallTailoringStorageSmall Tailoring Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item LeatherLeather
Structure LargeTailoringStorageLarge Tailoring Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item ClothCloth
Structure SmallKnowledgeStorageSmall Knowledge Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item PaperPaper
Structure LargeKnowledgeStorageLarge Knowledge Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item ScrollScroll
Structure SmallConsumablesStorageSmall Consumables Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item EmptyWaterskinEmpty Waterskin
Structure LargeConsumablesStorageLarge Consumables Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item EmptyGlassBottleEmpty Glass Bottle
Structure SmallBloodPotionStorageSmall Blood Potion Storage A container that can hold up to 28 items. Item PlankPlank
Item GlassGlass
Structure LargeBloodPotionStorageLarge Blood Potion Storage A container that can hold up to 56 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item GlassGlass
Structure WeaponStorageWeapon Storage A container that can hold up to 42 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure ArmorStorageArmor Storage A container that can hold up to 42 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item ThickLeatherThick Leather
Structure JewelStorageJewel Storage A container that can hold up to 42 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item ScourgestoneScourgestone
Structure CoinStorageCoin Storage A container that can hold up to 42 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item CopperCoin16 Copper Coin
Structure FishStorageFish Storage A container that can hold up to 42 items. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item FishBoneFish Bone
Structure PedestalofSolarusPedestal of Solarus A pedestal that may hold a Soul Shard. Item DarkSilverIngotDark Silver Ingot
Item OnyxTearOnyx Tear
Structure PedestaloftheWingedHorrorPedestal of the Winged Horror A pedestal that may hold a Soul Shard. Item DarkSilverIngotDark Silver Ingot
Item OnyxTearOnyx Tear
Structure PedestaloftheMonsterPedestal of the Monster A pedestal that may hold a Soul Shard. Item DarkSilverIngotDark Silver Ingot
Item OnyxTearOnyx Tear
Structure PedestalofDraculaPedestal of Dracula A pedestal that may hold a Soul Shard. Item DarkSilverIngotDark Silver Ingot
Item OnyxTearOnyx Tear
Structure VampireLockboxVampire Lockbox A unique container that can hold up to 14 items. Enemy players cannot loot items from this container. There is a limit on how many can be placed. Item PlankPlank

Name Room Description Resource Cost
Structure SimpleWorkbenchSimple Workbench Forge A simple workbench for improving weapons and armour. Item PlankPlank
Item Stone80 Stone
Item RuggedHide120 Rugged Hide
Structure WoodworkingBenchWoodworking Bench Workshop A workstation used for shaping wood. Item Plank12 Plank
Item RuggedHide60 Rugged Hide
Structure AlchemyTableAlchemy Table Alchemy Lab A workstation used for potion making. Item BloodEssence100 Blood Essence
Item Plank16 Plank
Item Sulphur12 Sulphur
Structure LeatherworkingStationLeatherworking Station Tailor A workstation used for shaping leather into bags and various items. Item Plank12 Plank
Item Leather12 Leather
Structure TailoringBenchTailoring Bench Tailor A workstation used for Crafting cloth armour. Item BloodEssence200 Blood Essence
Item Plank40 Plank
Item CottonYarn24 Cotton Yarn
Structure SmithySmithy Forge A workstation used for Crafting iron weapons. Item BloodEssence200 Blood Essence
Item IronIngot32 Iron Ingot
Item Sulphur16 Sulphur
Structure ArtisanTableArtisan Table Jeweller's Chamber A workstation used for Crafting of magical objects. Item GreaterBloodEssenceGreater Blood Essence
Item ScourgestoneScourgestone
Item IronIngot16 Iron Ingot
Structure AnvilAnvil Forge A workstation used for Crafting of advanced weapons. Item PrimalBloodEssencePrimal Blood Essence
Item SpectralDust24 Spectral Dust
Item ReinforcedPlank12 Reinforced Plank
Structure AncestralForgeAncestral Forge Forge A workstation used for restoring ancient shattered weapons. Item PrimalBloodEssencePrimal Blood Essence
Item RadiumAlloyRadium Alloy
Item IronIngot16 Iron Ingot
Structure JewelcraftingTableJewelcrafting Table Jeweller's Chamber A workstation used for Crafting of jewels. Item GreaterBloodEssenceGreater Blood Essence
Item ScourgestoneScourgestone
Item GemDust64 Gem Dust

Name Room Description Resource Cost
Structure SawmillSawmill Workshop A workstation used for refinement of wooden materials. Item Wood260 Wood
Item Stone80 Stone
Structure FurnaceFurnace Forge A workstation used for refinement of ores. Item Stone480 Stone
Item CopperOre60 Copper Ore
Structure AdvancedFurnaceAdvanced Furnace Forge A workstation used for refinement of ores. Item StoneBrick16 Stone Brick
Item RadiumAlloyRadium Alloy
Structure BloodPressBlood Press Alchemy Lab A workstation used for extracting blood essence from biomaterial. Item PlankPlank
Item Stone120 Stone
Structure AdvancedBloodPressAdvanced Blood Press Alchemy Lab A workstation used for extracting blood essence from biomaterial. Item IronIngot16 Iron Ingot
Item GlassGlass
Structure VerminNestVermin Nest Alchemy Lab A nest for luring vermin into your castle. Item Stone360 Stone
Item Bone80 Bone
Structure TanneryTannery Tailor A workstation used for refining Rugged Hides into leather. Item PlankPlank
Item RuggedHide160 Rugged Hide
Structure AdvancedTanneryAdvanced Tannery Tailor A workstation used for refining Rugged Hides into leather. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item PristineLeather12 Pristine Leather
Structure TheDevourerThe Devourer General The devourer can tear apart equipment, items, and components, and turn them into raw materials. Item Plank12 Plank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure GrinderGrinder Workshop A workstation for turning raw materials into bricks and dust. Item PlankPlank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Item WhetstoneWhetstone
Structure AdvancedGrinderAdvanced Grinder Workshop A workstation for turning raw materials into bricks and dust. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item TechScrap60 Tech Scrap
Structure TombTomb Props Put flowers on this tomb to raise various undead, then slay them once more for their remains. Item Stone80 Stone
Item Bone20 Bone
Structure LoomLoom Tailor A workstation used for refining fibers into various fabrics. Item Plank20 Plank
Item CopperIngot12 Copper Ingot
Item WoolThreadWool Thread
Structure AdvancedLoomAdvanced Loom Tailor A workstation used for refining fibers into various fabrics. Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item SilkSilk
Structure PaperPressPaper Press Library A workstation used for refining fibers and sawdust into paper. Item Plank12 Plank
Item CopperIngot12 Copper Ingot
Structure GemCuttingTableGem Cutting Table Jeweller's Chamber A workstation used for combining lower quality gems into higher quality gems. Item IronIngot12 Iron Ingot
Item GemDust60 Gem Dust
Item StoneBrick24 Stone Brick
Structure FabricatorFabricator Forge A workstation used for assembling advanced materials. Item TechScrap200 Tech Scrap
Item IronIngot18 Iron Ingot
Structure StygianSummoningCircleStygian Summoning Circle Alchemy Lab A workstation used for refining fibers into various fabrics. Item StoneBrick16 Stone Brick
Item ScourgestoneScourgestone
Item PrimalBloodEssencePrimal Blood Essence

Name Room Description Resource Cost
Structure ResearchDeskResearch Desk Library Use the Research Desk to uncover new technology and items. Item Paper12 Paper
Item CoarseThreadCoarse Thread
Item PlankPlank
Structure StudyStudy Library Use the Study to uncover new technology and items. Item Scroll20 Scroll
Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item ClothCloth
Structure AthenaeumAthenaeum Library Use the Athenaeum to uncover new technology and items. Item Schematic20 Schematic
Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank
Item PristineLeatherPristine Leather
Item DarkSilverIngotDark Silver Ingot

See the dedicated Growing Plots page for more info.

Growing Plot Seed Count Resource Cost
Exterior (Small) 1 Item PlantFibre20 Plant Fibre
Exterior (Medium) 3 Item PlantFibre60 Plant Fibre
Exterior (Large) 5 Item PlantFibre100 Plant Fibre
Small 1 Item PlantFibre20 Plant Fibre
Item PlankPlank
Small (Decorative) 1 Item StoneBodyStone Body
Medium 4 Item PlantFibre40 Plant Fibre
Item PlankPlank
Medium (Decorative) 4 Item StoneBodyStone Body
Large 7 or 1 sapling Item PlantFibre60 Plant Fibre
Item PlankPlank

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure CastleWaygateCastle Waygate The Castle Waygate allows you to teleport to any Waygate you have discovered within the world. Item BloodEssence100 Blood Essence
Item GemDust20 Gem Dust
Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Item GraveDustGrave Dust
Structure RedCastleTeleporterRed Castle Teleporter Pair with another teleporter to quickly warp between them. Item GreaterBloodEssenceGreater Blood Essence
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Structure YellowCastleTeleporterYellow Castle Teleporter Pair with another teleporter to quickly warp between them. Item RadiumAlloyRadium Alloy
Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Structure BlueCastleTeleporterBlue Castle Teleporter Pair with another teleporter to quickly warp between them. Item PowerCorePower Core
Item StoneBrickStone Brick

Name Resource Cost
Structure GravelGardenPavingGravel Garden Paving Item StoneDust20 Stone Dust
Structure GardenStoneTilePavingGarden Stone Tile Paving Item StoneBrickStone Brick
Structure GardenCobblestonePavingGarden Cobblestone Paving Item StoneBrickStone Brick

Name Resource Cost
Structure NocturneGardenFenceNocturne Garden Fence Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure NocturneGardenGateNocturne Garden Gate Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure NobleGardenFenceNoble Garden Fence Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure NobleGardenGateNoble Garden Gate Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure VerdantGardenFenceVerdant Garden Fence Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure VerdantGardenGateVerdant Garden Gate Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure RuralGardenFenceRural Garden Fence Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure RuralGardenGateRural Garden Gate Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure RuralGardenFence2Rural Garden Fence 2 Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure RuralGardenGate2Rural Garden Gate 2 Item IronIngotIron Ingot

Name Resource Cost
Structure Hedge2x10TallHedge 2x10 Tall
Structure Hedge2x10BlendHedge 2x10 Blend
Structure Hedge2x10Blend2Hedge 2x10 Blend2
Structure Hedge2x10LowHedge 2x10 Low
Structure Hedge2x10Tallw.ArchHedge 2x10 Tall w. Arch
Structure Hedge2x10Tallw.HoleHedge 2x10 Tall w. Hole
Structure Hedge10x10TallCurveHedge 10x10 Tall Curve
Structure Hedge10x10TallCurvew.ArchHedge 10x10 Tall Curve w. Arch
Structure Hedge10x10LowCurveHedge 10x10 Low Curve

Name Description Resource Cost

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure NobleGardenBenchNoble Garden Bench An elegant seat for your garden. Item StoneBodyStone Body
Structure RuralGardenChairRural Garden Chair A seat for one. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure NobleGardenChairNoble Garden Chair A seat for one. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure RuralGardenTableRural Garden Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure NobleGardenTableNoble Garden Table A table made of metal. Item IronIngotIron Ingot

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure WaterWellWater Well A well filled with useless water. Item StoneBrick20 Stone Brick
Structure NocturneIronFountainNocturne Iron Fountain An elegant alternative to the Water Well. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure NocturneBronzeFountainNocturne Bronze Fountain An elegant alternative to the Water Well. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Structure AlabasterSmallFountainAlabaster Small Fountain An elegant alternative to the Water Well. Item StoneBodyStone Body
Structure ImperiousLargeFountainImperious Large Fountain An elegant alternative to the Water Well. Item StoneBodyStone Body
Item GoldJewelryGold Jewelry
Structure AncientSymphonyBloodFountainAncient Symphony Blood Fountain An elegant alternative to the Water Well.
Requires Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack DLC.
Item StoneBodyStone Body
Item GoldJewelryGold Jewelry

Name Description Resource Cost

Name Description Resource Cost
Structure RusticChairRustic Chair A seat for one. Item PlankPlank
Structure OmenChairOmen Chair A seat for one. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item ClothCloth
Structure NocturneChairNocturne Chair A seat for one. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item ClothCloth
Structure DistinguishedChairDistinguished Chair A seat for one. Item GoldJewelryGold Jewelry
Item ClothCloth
Structure DignityBenchDignity Bench A seat for three or four caped peeps with fangs. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure DistinguishedDivanDistinguished Divan A seat for those inclined to recline. Item GoldIngotGold Ingot
Item PristineLeatherPristine Leather
Structure DistinguishedSofaDistinguished Sofa A seat for three or four caped peeps with fangs. Item GoldIngotGold Ingot
Item PristineLeatherPristine Leather
Structure CordialSofaCordial Sofa A seat for three or four caped peeps with fangs. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item PristineLeatherPristine Leather
Structure OmenSofaOmen Sofa A seat for three or four caped peeps with fangs. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item PristineLeatherPristine Leather
Structure DistinguishedSidetableDistinguished Sidetable A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure DignitySidetableDignity Sidetable A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure EruditionStudyTableErudition Study Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure CordialDressingTableCordial Dressing Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Item GlassGlass
Structure OmenDressingTableOmen Dressing Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Item GlassGlass
Structure DistinguishedDressingTableDistinguished Dressing Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Item GlassGlass
Structure RusticTableRustic Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure DistinguishedCoffeeTableDistinguished Coffee Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure DignityCoffeeTableDignity Coffee Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure DistinguishedTableDistinguished Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure ImplacableTableImplacable Table A table made of wood. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure MidnightFiresideMidnight Fireside A mighty fine fireside. Item StoneBodyStone Body
Item SulphurSulphur
Structure CordialFiresideCordial Fireside A mighty fine fireside. Item StoneBodyStone Body
Item SulphurSulphur
Structure ImperiousFiresideImperious Fireside A mighty fine fireside. Item StoneBodyStone Body
Item SulphurSulphur
Structure OmenLongcaseClockOmen Longcase Clock A large clock. Item PlankPlank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure DistinguishedLongcaseClockDistinguished Longcase Clock A large clock. Item PlankPlank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure CordialLongcaseClockCordial Longcase Clock A large clock. Item PlankPlank
Item CopperIngotCopper Ingot
Structure VardoranGlobeVardoran Globe Vardoran-centric world globe. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure ChessTableChess Table If only you knew how to play it. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure EsotericaReadingLecternEsoterica Reading Lectern The latest and juiciest gossip, scandals, pulps, and fanfics are collated into a neat leather-bound tome. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure CircaRoundBookcaseCirca Round Bookcase The latest and juiciest gossip, scandals, pulps, and fanfics are collated into a neat leather-bound tome. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure DignityPodiumDignity Podium A simple podium. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Structure CordialFoldingScreenCordial Folding Screen An elegant solution for separating spaces in your rooms. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Item GlassGlass
Structure DignityFoldingScreenDignity Folding Screen An elegant solution for separating spaces in your rooms. Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood
Item GlassGlass
Structure LuminescentMushroomTerrariumLuminescent Mushroom Terrarium Bioluminescent mushrooms extracted from the Cursed Forest. Item IronIngotIron Ingot
Item GhostShroom20 Ghost Shroom
Structure PlagueChemistsExperimentPlague Chemist's Experiment A decorative glass display.
Requires Sinister Evolution Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass
Structure PlagueChemistsPrototypePlague Chemist's Prototype A decorative glass display.
Requires Sinister Evolution Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass
Structure PlagueChemistsThesisPlague Chemist's Thesis A decorative glass display.
Requires Sinister Evolution Pack DLC.
Item GlassGlass

DLC (Founder's Pack: Eldest Bloodline)[]

The statues listed below each have a resource cost of Item StoneBodyStone Bodies.
They come in 3 material variants: Alabaster, Black Marble & Granite.

  • Eldest Agonized Gargoyle
  • Eldest Challenging Gargoyle
  • Eldest Crouching Gargoyle
  • Eldest Dueling Gargoyle
  • Eldest Lurking Gargoyle
  • Eldest Pleading Gargoyle
  • Eldest Pondering Gargoyle
  • Eldest Roaring Gargoyle
  • Eldest Victorious Gargoyle
  • Patient Gargoyle

Name Styles Description Resource Cost

Name Resource Cost
Structure VerticalPaintingsVertical Paintings Item PaintingFramePainting Frame
Structure SquarePaintingsSquare Paintings Item PaintingFramePainting Frame
Structure HorizontalPaintingsHorizontal Paintings Item PaintingFramePainting Frame
Structure OvalPaintingsOval Paintings Item PaintingFramePainting Frame
Structure AncientSymphonyPaintingsAncient Symphony Paintings Item PaintingFramePainting Frame

Name Styles Description Resource Cost
Structure HuntingTrophyHunting Trophy A decoration that sits neatly on your walls. Item PlankPlank
Item Bone40 Bone
Structure NightfallWallBannerNightfall Wall Banner

Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Lime / Turquoise / Blue / Purple / Pink / White / Grey / Black

A decoration that sits neatly on your walls. Item ShadowWeaveShadow Weave
Structure NightfallWallPlaqueNightfall Wall Plaque

Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Lime / Turquoise / Blue / Purple / Pink / White / Grey / Black

A decoration that sits neatly on your walls. Item GoldIngotGold Ingot
Item BloodCrystal20 Blood Crystal
Structure RadiantSmallWallMirrorRadiant Small Wall Mirror 4 colors A mirror that sits neatly on your walls. Item GlassGlass
Structure DignitySmallWallMirrorDignity Small Wall Mirror 4 colors A mirror that sits neatly on your walls. Item GlassGlass
Structure DistinguishedLargeWallMirrorDistinguished Large Wall Mirror 4 colors A mirror that sits neatly on your walls. Item GlassGlass
Structure CordialLargeWallMirrorCordial Large Wall Mirror 4 colors A mirror that sits neatly on your walls. Item GlassGlass
Structure OmenTripleWallShelfLiteratureOmen Triple Wall Shelf Literature A shelving unit that sits neatly on your walls. Item PlankPlank
Structure OmenTripleWallShelfIngredientsOmen Triple Wall Shelf Ingredients A shelving unit that sits neatly on your walls. Item PlankPlank
Structure OmenSingleWallShelfLiteratureOmen Single Wall Shelf Literature A shelving unit that sits neatly on your walls. Item PlankPlank
Structure CordialDoubleWallShelfCordial Double Wall Shelf A shelving unit that sits neatly on your walls.