Dunley Farmlands is the second area players are likely to access, as it lies north of Farbane Woods and is the next natural progression to travel to when the players Gear Level hits 40. Because its located at the center of Vardoran, it also borders with Gloomrot South at the north, the Cursed Forest at the northeast, Ruins of Mortium and Hallowed Mountains at the east and Silverlight Hills at the west.
Dunley Farmlands is characterised by farms, an iron mine and local settlements. It is here that players can gather next-tier resources such as Scrolls, Wool Thread, Cotton, Iron Ore and Regular Gems.
There are 4 V Blood Carriers roaming the roads of Dunley, Christina the Sun Priestess, Vincent the Frostbringer, Bane the Shadowblade and Jade the Vampire Hunter. With the latter 2 exclusively patrolling the roads.
Dunley Farmlands Waygate[]
An old Vampire Waygate. A suitable target for teleportation magic.
There are 4 in the region.
Militia Camp[]
A small militia camp holding only a limited amount of supplies.
There are lots of these camps at Dunley with a small group of Militia enemies inside them and sometimes chests. Players can use them to farm items, specially Wool Thread.
Militia Encampment[]
A militia encampment with a wide range of supplies.
V Blood: Vincent the Frostbringer
A similar but larger area than the aforementioned. Players can use them to farm items like Scrolls and Wool Thread.
A variety of supplies and resources can be found on Farms.
There are lots of farms in Dunley, these ones have Sunflowers, Wool Thread and Horses in them as well as multiple containers with random loot inside. These containers contain similar loot to the region's chests, ie. Tier 2 blueprints, Hats & Cloaks. It is also common to find Hale Bales which serve as hiding spots near a farm.
Cotton Farm[]
Cotton can be found on farms growing them in their fields.
Similar to the aforementioned but these ones also have Cotton in them alongside the containers, Sunflowers, Wool Thread and Horses. However Garlic Exposure affects the entire area and some of the Villagers are aggressive towards the player.
Abandoned Farm[]
Something foul drove the farmers away. Now, only rusty tools and nightmares remain.
The only place where Scarecrows can be found.
The arena awaits.
V Blood: Simon Belmont the Vampire Hunter
Sacrificial Site[]
The people of Dunley sing, dance and sacrifice to their saviour, the ever-burning Light.
Horse Track[]
Want a race? Here is the place.
The largest number of Horses can be found here.
Dunley Lumber Mill[]
A small industrial area where wood is processed.
A facility located to the west. Important resources such as Plank, Cotton, Copper Ingot, and Horse.
Dunley Farmers Market[]
Merchants from all over Dunley meet and trade wares here.
Located in the center of Dunley. Silver Coin can be used here to trade with the Rural Merchants. Human Form is required to engage with them.
Mosswick Village[]
A small, quiet village with a church and plenty of resources.
V Blood: Christina the Sun Priestess
A village located west. Some enemies and lots of Villagers can be found here. The area has plenty of containers in the form of chests and bookcases. The most common loot includes Scroll, Wool Thread, Oil, Quartz and Horses.
Dawnbreak Village[]
A small, quiet village with a church and plenty of resources.
V Blood: Beatrice the Tailor, Christina the Sun Priestess
A village located east. Some enemies and lots of Villagers can be found here. The area has plenty of containers in the form of chests and bookcases. The most common loot includes Scroll, Wool Thread, Cloth, Quartz and Horses. Golden Chests usually spawn here.
Haunted Iron Mine[]
The Militia holds the line against the dark forces that have awoken in the old mine. The miners fled the tall, dark figure commanding the undead horde, wielding a monstrous scythe.
V Blood: Kriig the Undead General, Meredith the Bright Archer
It's located at the south of Dunley. It's filled with Undead enemies such as Skeleton Mages and Undead Guardians. This area has plenty of Stone, Iron Ore and Hell's Clarion. The 2 bosses will usually meet and fight making them easier to defeat. Golden Chests usually spawn here.
Iron Cave[]
A cave that holds plenty of iron riches, if one could find a way to enter it.
A cave located northwest, that can only be accessed through Bear Form or explosives. This area has plenty of Stone and Iron Ore, but its also filled with Rock Elementals and Iron Golems.
Bedrock Pass[]
Bedrock Pass is known for its rich gem veins and the wandering mountain guardians.
V Blood: Terah the Geomancer
An area located northeast. Stone Golems and Iron Golems usually spawn here. The area is rich in Regular Gem veins.
Quartz Quarry[]
A quarry guarded by the militia. Quartz is mined here and used in the glass manufacturing venture located nearby.
V Blood: Grethel the Glassblower
It's located northwest. This area is filled with large amounts of Quartz and Glass. Miners spawn here, allowing the player to acquire a Miner's Mace.
The Forbidden Tower[]
A mysterious tower on a hill surrounded by an enchanting garden. Locals know it's best to stay away because those who reside here do not take kindly to strangers.
V Blood: Maja the Dark Savant
A tower that serves as a covered arena for the boss fight, so fighting it during daytime doesn't make it more difficult. White Cherry Blossom Sapling can be found on the outside.
Church of the Damned[]
Remnants of something dark and twisted. An ancient shadow falls over this place
V Blood: Leandra the Shadow Priestess
A cemetery located north. It's filled with Undead enemies, including Skeleton Bishops. It's a good place to farm Bone, Grave Dust, Scourgestone and Mourning Lily.
Bastion of Dunley[]
Training ground for militia recruits and home of Octavian, captain of the militia.
V Blood: Octavian the Militia Captain
A Militia stronghold located east. This area is filled with Militia enemies including high-level ones like Militia Brawlers and Bomb Throwers. The area has plenty of destructibles and chest, the most common loot includes Gem Dust, Reinforced Planks, Sulphur Ore, Whetstone and Horses. Golden Chests usually spawn here.
Dunley Monastery[]
A holy place for the Church of Luminance and its devoted following.
V Blood: Raziel the Shepherd
A monastery located west. Holy Radiation affects the entire area and high level enemies like Nuns and Devoted patrol the area. The area has containers in the form of stone coffins where Grave Dust and Scourgestone can be found. Other loot in this area includes Quartz, Mourning Lily and Cherry Blossom Sapling. The indoors of the monastery is filled with Villagers with Scholar Blood.
Gracefall Village[]
A place for the unwanted, driven away from Dunley and cursed to live in solitude.
V Blood: Willfred the Werewolf Chief
A village located at the far north-east of Dunley. During the day, the inhabitants are aggressive Villagers, but at night they transform into Werewolves. This is a good spot to farm Pristine Hide. This area has plenty of containers in the form of chests and bookcases. Golden Chests usually spawn here.