VRising Wiki

This page lists all inventory items, reagents, consumables, etc. and their recipes. They can be pinned in the UI.
See Equipment for a list of equippable items, Waygates for teleportable items, and Vendors for buyable items.

Item Recipes[]

Item Crafting Station Materials
(Floor Bonus)
Item PlankPlank + Item SawdustSawdust Structure SawmillSawmill Item Wood20 (15) Wood
Item PlankPlank + Item OilOil Structure SawmillSawmill Item HallowWood40 (30) Hallow Wood
Item PlankPlank + Item MutantGreaseMutant Grease Structure SawmillSawmill Item GloomWood40 (30) Gloom Wood
Item PlankPlank + Item GhostShroomGhost Shroom Structure SawmillSawmill Item CursedWood40 (30) Cursed Wood
Item ReinforcedPlankReinforced Plank Structure SawmillSawmill Item IronIngot4 (3) Iron Ingot
Item Plank4 (3) Plank
Item SculpturedWoodSculptured Wood Structure WoodworkingBenchWoodworking Bench Item Plank4 (3) Plank
Item PaintingFramePainting Frame Structure WoodworkingBenchWoodworking Bench Item Plank4 (3) Plank
Item FishingPoleFishing Pole Structure WoodworkingBenchWoodworking Bench Item Wood120 (90) Wood
Item CoarseThread4 (3) Coarse Thread
Item BarrelDisguiseBarrel Disguise Structure WoodworkingBenchWoodworking Bench Item ReinforcedPlank4 (3) Reinforced Plank
Item StoneBrickStone Brick + Item StoneDustStone Dust Structure GrinderGrinder
Structure AdvancedGrinderAdvanced Grinder
Item Stone12 (9) Stone
Item StoneBodyStone Body Structure GrinderGrinder
Structure AdvancedGrinderAdvanced Grinder
Item Clay12 (9) Clay
Item StoneBrick4 (3) Stone Brick
Item Pollen10 Pollen Structure GrinderGrinder
Structure AdvancedGrinderAdvanced Grinder
20 (15) Any Flower
Item GemDustGem Dust
Item GemDust16 Gem Dust
Item GemDust64 Gem Dust