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Sanguine Pistols is the fourth tier of Pistols after Weapon DarkSilverPistolsDark Silver Pistols.
Crafting Pistols is learned by slaying Jade the Vampire Hunter.
Blueprint is sold at the Treasure Hunter Trade Post for Item GoldsunCoin260 Goldsun Coin.


Item Recipe Structure
Weapon SanguinePistolsSanguine Pistols Weapon DarkSilverPistolsDark Silver Pistols
Item FlawlessRubyFlawless Ruby
Item GoldIngot12 (9) Gold Ingot
Structure AnvilAnvil


Resulting Item Recipe Structure
Weapon RareAncestralPistolsRare Ancestral Pistols
(Gear Level 26)
Weapon RareAncestralPistolsRare Ancestral Pistols (Gear Level 23)
Weapon SanguinePistolsSanguine Pistols
Structure AncestralForgeAncestral Forge
Weapon EpicAncestralPistolsEpic Ancestral Pistols Weapon SanguinePistolsSanguine Pistols
Item EpicAncestralPistolsShardEpic Ancestral Pistols Shard
Item OnyxTear4 (3) Onyx Tear
Structure AncestralForgeAncestral Forge
Weapon TheEndbringersThe Endbringers Weapon SanguinePistolsSanguine Pistols
Item TheEndbringersShardThe Endbringers Shard
Item OnyxTear4 (3) Onyx Tear
Structure AncestralForgeAncestral Forge
