VRising Wiki

Waygates are teleporter structures in V Rising. Waygates use teleportation magic to phase the player from one Waygate to the other, making them essential structures in the game.

There are two types of Waygates in V Rising; Vampire Waygates and Castle Waygates.

Vampire Waygates are world structures placed across Vardoran that serve as fast travel and respawn locations. There are a total of 15 Waygates across the map. Players need to discover Waygates by visiting them before they can be accessed.

Castle Waygates become available for building after the player completes the Waygate entry in the Journal. There can be only one Waygate built within a player's territory at a time. Players in a clan can use their allies' Waygates.

Players can travel between either structure. However, certain items cannot be teleported with Waygates by default, such items are marked as "Cannot be Teleported" in their description. After teleportation, the player will be Phasing for 5 seconds and is invulnerable for the duration of the effect.


Structure Recipe
Structure CastleWaygateCastle Waygate Item BloodEssence100 Blood Essence
Item GemDust20 Gem Dust
Item StoneBrick12 Stone Brick
Item GraveDustGrave Dust

Location of Vampire Waygates[]

Their exact location can be found on the interactive map of Vardoran.

Teleportable Items[]

The following lists all teleportable items with default server settings. All other items cannot be, but may still be transported through Cave Passages. The restrictions can be removed entirely by changing server settings.
