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Wolf Form is a Shapeshifting Power that allows a vampire to travel faster than running, but slower than riding a Horse. While in Wolf Form, Wolves will not attack you. This include Frost Wolves and the Alpha Wolf. Bandit Wolves, Cursed Wolves and Mutated Wolves will still attack you on sight.

While in Wolf Form, the Dash is replaced by a Jump and the Ultimate Spell is replaced by a Howl. The Founder's Pack: Eldest Bloodline DLC adds a variant of this Ability called Ability StygianWolfFormStygian Wolf Form.


  • If any Wolves were already attacking you when you transformed, they will cease attacking you and instead just follow you until you either revert back to your true form or leave their aggro range.
  • Aside from taking damage, attacking or using abilities, items, or Emotes will also take you out of your Wolf Form.
    • You can still build and access buildings/storage, though. This does not apply to chests in the world outside your castle, which will cause you to cancel the transformation as soon as you access them.
  • While not nearly as stealthy as the Rat Form, the Wolf Form does seem to reduce detection rates by humanoid Enemies. Humans will generally only attack you in Wolf form if you get too close or linger.
Vampire Powers
Ability WolfForm
Wolf Form
Ability BearForm
Bear Form
Ability RatForm
Rat Form
Ability HumanForm
Human Form
Ability ToadForm
Toad Form
Ability BatForm
Bat Form
Ability ExposeVein
Expose Vein
Ability BloodMend
Blood Mend
Ability BloodHunger
Blood Hunger
Ability DominateHuman
Dominate Human
Ability DominateMount
Dominate Mount